Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Recession Hits College Campuses

Talk of the Nation, February 10, 2009 · For the high school class of 2009 and students trying to complete a degree, the financial calamities of the market have left universities and students scrambling for money. In our occasional series, Your Life on a Recession, we look at how schools are adjusting to financial challenges. 

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A little tax relief for the college connected

Here's what "may" come out of Congress in the economic stimulus package for college students and their families. "Parents with children in college — and some adult students — could get expanded tax credits of up to $2,500 to help cover tuition and related expenses in 2009 and 2010. Families making between $160,000 and $180,000 can get reduced credits. Those making more are ineligible."

Cut-rate campus

The Boston Globe has an interesting article on cut rate private colleges. 
It's an interesting play in the looming global economic meltdown.