Monday, January 28, 2008

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Texas and then Palm Beach

So I am off to Tarrant County College Monday for the first part of the spring tour.

Tuesday: I am at the North West Campus Tuesday for two back to back sessions.
Wednesday: I am on the North East Campus to speak with PTK.

Thursday: I am on PBCC's South Campus for the big Eco-Event.
I'll be there from 11:30 until 4 come hang out with me and save the earth.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Use the map, take the journey

For the last few weeks I've had an outpouring of love on the Facebook/MySpace scene.
Last week I received a letter that left me speechless for a bit.

This morning a former Florida peep sent me this message: 

So, here is my status update . . .

I did look into Kettering seriously and it was one of my main options, but I did not end up there. I still can't believe it today, but I got a major private scholarship (30k per year) and ended up at the University of Colorado at Boulder. I love it out here and I like the school... I am still getting used to all the changes in my life. Fortunately I had already done a lot of the volunteering and other such things to build my resume, which no doubt had a positive effect on my scholarship application. I hope that other students follow your advice and get into some of these activities, hopefully with an eye on doing something good for the college and community. It is tragic, I think, for people to do good only for the promise of some perceived personal benefit. Anyway, I feel utterly grateful and fortunate to be here with this amazing scholarship and wonderful area. I hope this message finds you healthy and happy.

I take now real credit for this peep's latest success. I just gave the peep a map, but it was all the peeps journey.  It could be your journey too.  Because if you are reading this blog you've probably been given a map from me in the form of a book, lecture or conversation.  You can make this system work for you and achieve amazing things and create a better society to boot.  

Friday, January 11, 2008

Is that a college-tuition price war?

Marketplace must love the new blog, because they keep reporting stories for it.

Today there was a piece about how several universities recently announced big increases in financial aid. Commentator Kim Clark says it looks like things may be starting to turn in students' favor. I like the sound of that.

I dug around a bit and found some specifics on the aid changes at Swarthmore, Pomona and Tufts that Kim mentions.

All good stuff. All good schools.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

a chain 'bout nine miles long . . .

Robert Reich was on Marketplace today. He was, in a word, wise. He was wise about the world and how it's all interconnected by globalization. He was was wise in pointing out that none of our presidential candidates share such wisdom. He was wise in suggesting we need holistic solutions to global problems.

Chipotle was started by an art history major

More proof that it is not your degree, but how you use it.

Favorite Quote: He knew nothing about business, having majored in art history at the University of Colorado before training as a chef at the Culinary Institute of America. Undaunted, he moved back to his hometown of Denver, where his normally supportive dad didn’t initially share his son’s vision.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

NPR's take on Yale 's Student Aid Overhaul

Here's the story.

And here's why I disagree with one point in the story.  

Despite what the guy from The Chronicle says, I think this is a win-win for everybody. 

By offering more aid to middle class kids and below Harvard, Yale, Penn etc get more of the worlds best and brightest.  God for them it’s a wise investment.  Today’s students are tomorrows donors.  

Brilliant peeps are now able to become all they can.  These are people who were already going to a good school now they can add these schools to their list as well.  Excellent.

This is a non-issue for private liberal arts schools.  They will just get some other brilliant peep.  Remember the Doritos 

ad, Crunch all you want.  We’ll make more?  Well, the same is true for striving college students. 

There are all ready more of us than slots at all the good schools and all this good programs.  This just creates more opportunity for all of us. 

Oh and Princeton--were waiting to hear from you.  

Monday, January 7, 2008

Yale wants to spend more of its $22.5 billion endowment

Go Yale!

The school also said it will "increase dramatically" the financial aid it awards to undergraduate students, but declined to give details before an announcement it plans to make later this month.

It's just more of the wave peeps.  The smart schools are investing in the smart peeps.  It's that simple.
So maybe some of you should add Yale to your list of potential schools.  

Sunday, January 6, 2008

I think I just broke up with MySpace

It wasn't MySpace and I am not blaming me.
It was us together.

I have no words.

I think I need some time alone now. 

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Let It Be

Man I Love these guys. Always have. Always will.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Resolving to Retire with a Nest Egg

So yesterday I was sitting here at the computer listening to NPR and on came this story about saving for retirement.  It agrees with everything I am saying in the book and offers some even better points.  Yes, I will be stealing incorporating some of the ideas into the latest edition.

Speaking of the latest edition look for drafts to start being posted here soon.  

Here's a link to the NPR story it is worth a listen and a read.