And here's why I disagree with one point in the story.
Despite what the guy from The Chronicle says, I think this is a win-win for everybody.
By offering more aid to middle class kids and below Harvard, Yale, Penn etc get more of the worlds best and brightest. God for them it’s a wise investment. Today’s students are tomorrows donors.
Brilliant peeps are now able to become all they can. These are people who were already going to a good school now they can add these schools to their list as well. Excellent.
This is a non-issue for private liberal arts schools. They will just get some other brilliant peep. Remember the Doritos
ad, Crunch all you want. We’ll make more? Well, the same is true for striving college students.
There are all ready more of us than slots at all the good schools and all this good programs. This just creates more opportunity for all of us.
Oh and Princeton--were waiting to hear from you.